Monday, January 14, 2008

A Trip to the Hospital

Christopher came home from basketball practice between two other teammates. They were holding him up. The story wasn't clear at first, but I knew he needed to go to the hospital. I hobbled out, even forgetting my crutches, to the car. He was a little disoriented, but from what I understood I explained it to the doctor like this; He was playing basketball and he collided into someone, their shoulder into Chris' face forcing it to the side and he heard his neck pop and was in awful pain. He then went inside the restroom, where he passed out. The next thing he remembers is a friend asking if he was okay. They picked him up and brought him back to me. I was very nervous and hoped he didn't have a spine injury. We went to the ER. He had x-rays and was examined by a doctor. Thank goodness it was just a neck strain. I guess a strain is to a muscle what a sprain is to a ligament. I've had a sprain so I can imagine he was in severe pain. The passing out is what really had me concerned. The doctor explained that everything looked good and that the pain was probably so intense that it caused him to passed out. So, to make a long story short, Chris has a neck strain that will be treated with rest and time. I am grateful for this blessing. It looked so much worse. He will be just fine! Just another fun filled night in my exciting life.


The Greathouse Family said...

Oh my gosh! Thank goodness he's OK. Don't you ever have a normal day? Love you lots!

The Greathouse Family said...

Now that I think about it- where was his coach or a teacher? If it was a spinal injury, he could have been paralyzed!