Tuesday, December 1, 2009

All That Jazz

Yesterday, One of my wonderful friends gave me two tickets to a Jazz game that night. They were awesome lower section seats. I debated if it should be a mommy son date or a brother date. Joseph loves the Jazz. Chris and I love the Lakers. I didn't even think Chris would want to go. He was excited, so I let it be a brother date. Chris and I wanted to surprise Joseph. We hid his Jazz hat and Jersey in the back of the car and Chris told him they were running an errand. Joseph was so delighted when he figured it out. I love how excited Chris was about being with his brother. He did wear his Lakers Jersey though. Chris saw Thurl Bailey in the bathroom and he looked at Chris' shirt and said, "Ugh, Lakers!" Chris said, "yeah, that's right!" Then Thurl just shook his head and walked out. I think it's funny how basketball players are always just walking around the stadiums. I met Magic Johnson at the Forum one time while watching a Lakers game. He was just hanging out at the concession stand. The boys had the best time together. Nothing makes me happier than to see Chris and Joseph so happy together. Joseph looks up to Chris like a dad. Chris has been dying for a coke glass from McDonald's. I have no idea why, but he made sure they got one together on their boys night out. They even hung the ticket stubs on the fridge. Thank you dear friend for the tickets. It made a wonderful memory for my two boys and warmed their mom's heart!


Unknown said...

So awesome! Does this mom's heart good as well.

Jaime said...

Whoops! That last comment was from me. David thinks he can use my computer sometimes. hee hee

Teri said...

How fun! Earl and I saw Mark Eaton at the Festival of Trees tonight. Boy is he TALL!!

Ariane said...

Wow!! What a cool big brother! Jazz games are so awesome. I love them!

Cory said...

that is really awesome. what a fun memory for them.

lindseyfrancom said...

THat is great that they got a night out together. You are so cute for suprising Joseph too.

Tonia said...

Love to see brothers that have that great relationship!