Saturday, January 30, 2010

Brain Contusion

So, I guess my break is not coming for a while. I finally got Christopher in to the neurologist. He has always had slight tremors, but nothing too serious. Since his concussion they have become a lot more noticeable and have increased in intensity and frequency. I have been waiting for a couple months to get him in to be checked out. On Wednesday, they did some tests in the office, blood work, an CT scan with and without contrast and an MRI with and without dye. It was a long day. I got a call from the neurologist's office as soon as they received the results. I was subbing and couldn't ask as many questions as I wanted. This is what they told me. Chris has a contusion (bruise) on the front part of his brain. They feel it was probably caused when he had his concussion. A contusion and concussion are not the same thing and they can happen together or individually. He has both. I don't know how big it is, what they will do about it or anything. I am going to call on Monday to get my questions answered. They told me that they scheduled him an appointment at the neuropsychology department at UVRMC on February 11th. Wow, I had to wait six months to get Emily in for her neuropsychology appointment. They said after that appointment he will be sent to the concussion clinic for his treatment. It could range from surgery to therapy and a million things in between. That is what I need to find out. They said that any time after you hit the three month mark of a head injury and there are symptoms or physical signs, it is not a good sign. The Bishop came over and gave him a beautiful blessing that I hope brought him comfort. He is very nervous and has been for a while now, this just made it worse. I hope we can get more answers soon. Patience was mentioned in his blessing so maybe the answers will come slower than we hope. Or maybe the healing. I don't know, but that boy needs a break and I'd gladly give up my break for him to get one. So please keep him in your prayers. I will update when I get more info. For now, I'm a nervous wreck and just hope my baby boy and his TBI (traumatic brain in jury) will have a better outcome than his sister's brain injury which has caused permanent damage. I am very tired.


Teri said...

I'm so sorry sweetie! I am here for you. I'm so grateful that he had a beautiful blessing from the bishop. I hope it brought him some comfort. We love you guys so much. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.

Jaime said...

Wow. You are going to be the shiniest diamond when the Lord is done bumping you around and throwing hard things at you. You will shine even brighter than you do now! Have faith and know how much you and your family are loved! Big Hugs!!!

Abby said...

Oh goodness. I had no idea anything this complex was going on for Chris. I will be adding him to my prayers...You're already there.

Laurie said...

I am so sorry! What a scary thing to go through. I hope things go well for him in Feb. We are thinking of you and praying for you family.

Tonia said...

Wishing your family the best. Love you!

Cyndi said...

Oh Mindy, that's so scary! I hope you get all of the answers that you need soon and that everything works out well. Just know that lots of love and prayers are heading your way!

lindseyfrancom said...

Mindy, I can't believe it. I will keep you, Chris and the rest of your family in my prayers. I do hope answers come swiftly and with assurity. I love you and please keep us all updated.

Ronda said...

love ya -
sending a your way!

Abby said...

Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you guys today...if I remembered correctly today was an important Dr's appointment. Sending love your way...

lindseyfrancom said...

Hye, I've been waiting to hear more on this. Anything new?

I will be there on Sunday, so I will see you then- but lets do get together next week sometime.