Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Update? Not So Much!

So yesterday was the stress test of Chris' heart. He had worn a holter monitor last week and had an echo done last week too. Guess what? All of those darn tests look great. Good news and frustrating news. He still does have an inverted T line, but that may or may not have caused his loss of consciousness. They categorized it as a "non-specific abnormality" WHAT? So he may just have this electrical glitch that may or may not cause him problems, but for now he can resume all normal activities without restrictions. He will next week get another monitor he will wear for two weeks just as a final precaution. Wow! No answers. I should have figured. Back to square one. We will probably never know what caused him to lose consciousness or why he gets light headed or why he has tremors in his hands and arms. I know in my heart there is something, but I don't know how to push anymore. He's had all the tests I can think of. I guess it will be a hoping and waiting game. He is excited to drive, but the mono keeps him pretty home bound. We are all sick. Do we all have mono? Maybe. It is very possible at this point. I'm just barely getting through the day and have to keep checking kids out of school and bringing cough drops and doing breathing treatments and getting more ibuprofen. Good thing Gatorade is on sale at Macey's for 50 cents. I bought 20. Trying to keep the liquids in all of us. I wake up so miserable every morning, but can handle some things by afternoon only to feel miserable again before bed. Sleep is not restful. I hear kids getting up for drinks because they are all miserable too. Even Dennis is sick. Joseph Graduates tomorrow so we better muster up strength for that. It is sick little world we live in.


Jaime said...

Oh that's the worst. I hate feeling so incapable. Hang in there and remember you're more awesome than you think you are and this too shall pass!

Tonia said...

I am so sorry Mindy. Not getting the answers you wanted is so frustrating!

Abby said...

Oh, that just plain sucks...all of it. I think of you guys all the time, and wish there was some fancy spell I could wave over all of you to fix all the owies...We love you over here.

Teri said...

I wish you could get some answers. I know that is so frustrating. And I'm sorry you're all sick. That is rotten!!! Please let me know what I can do for you. Love you all!

lindseyfrancom said...

I know what you mean on the sick thing. I have been miserable too. I finally feel like I am gettin myself back after a week.

Sorry you don't have answers. That would be so frustrating. Hang in there.

Cyndi said...

I'm so sorry Mindy. I can totally empathize will that. Not knowing is the worst because you feel like there's nothing you can do to prevent it from happening again. You're in my prayers!!