Tuesday, August 18, 2009


This is Sarah's gravestone. They put it in today. I had a huge long post about all the negative stuff going on in my life and I just erased it. It was just so pathetic I thought I would spare you from my miserable rant! The upbeat Mindy is unavailable, please leave a message and she will (hopefully) get back to you shortly! On a VERY happy note, school starts in two days!!! YIPEEEEE!!!!!!


Ariane said...

It's a beautiful tribute to your baby girl, sweetie. I hope you're doing ok.

Abby said...

A dear friend of mine recently got their gravestone for their little baby as well, and I know that it can be so emotional and difficult. That little angel is the luckiest to be a part of your amazing family.

Teri said...

It is beautiful. You did a great job designing it. Whatever you need. I'm here. I can't wait to see the headstone. We NEED to go for a walk. ASAP!!!

We love you and your family so much. You are so wonderful.

Ronda said...

Love you Mindy!

The Greathouse Family said...

Hey My Mindy!

The stone is beautiful. I am so glad that you got to do exactly what you wanted. I can't wait to see it. It's a good feeling to know it's there- it's like now she'll never be forgotten and everyone will know she was here.

I love you! I will call you and you can rant to me! And remember, "Every rose has it's thorn, just like every night has it's dawwwwww-www-www-nnn".

Tonia said...

It is perfect. Thinking about you always.

kat said...

Mindy, Sarah's headstone is beautiful! You did a great job of designing it. I hope your days continue to get better and easier. Love you!