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Watch Out For That.........Pole?
Who knew that night games were so dangerous? Joseph looks forward to night games all week. I guess it's the thing to do in 7th grade. They play all sorts of games and the best part is the socialization they get with girls. Joseph was running as fast as he could during one of the games. Full speed in the pitch black night. He then ran into a pole. The kind of pole that holds up a big tree. It got him good. I got a frantic call and drove right over. It was indeed very dark and I drove him home to figure out the source of all the blood. I knew the big gash in his head would need stitches, so we were off to the ER. Not without a lot of screaming and crying on Joseph's part. We had to force him in the car because he was terrified of getting stitches. Emily was crying and calling Christopher to tell him about the tragedy getting him all concerned. She was saying that it looked like Joseph was stabbed in the head. She was frightened. Luckily a great friend picked her up and took Emily under her wing. The whole ride there was frantic screaming from a scared boy not wanting stitches. He ending up only needing a few stitches on his head. They put steri-strips on the cuts in his ear and on his neck. He has a big bruise on his chest and elbow and his knuckles were all scraped up. He almost broke my hand he squeezed it so hard during the procedure. When it was over Joseph sang a different tune. He said that stitches are awesome and he can't wait to show everyone. He wanted me to make sure and blog about it. So, here it is. Our adventurous night. Maybe he will change his game strategy.
That is frightening! I am so glad he is ok and that nothing more serious happened! Night games was one of my favorite things to play when I was his age! Hope he feels better soon!
HAHAHA, that's funny he changed his mind and decided they're cool. Oh my gosh, how terrifying. Never a dull moment at your house!! :)
Ouch!! Poor Joseph(and you)! I'm glad he thought they were cool in the end. Sorry it was so traumatic!
Joseph cracks me up. Sorry it happened though. Looks awful. I am scared half to death of stitches too. Hope it heals well and he gets feeling better than ever soon. Love you and I will miss you in YW. It has been wonderful serving with you- you are the greatest person and am jealous of all the good qualities you have. Hang in there, keep your head up, love you.
wow. i will defintely be careful whenever i run full speed in the dark.
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